About Digital

How to write texts for paid ads in 4 steps

We have prepared detailed instructions on how to write texts for paid ads. And also collected the requirements, recommendations of Google, as well as research results that will simplify the preparation of ads. Read the article and find out hints about mistakes in texts of…
About Digital

In brief. What is a teaser ad in 3 minutes

The original meaning of the word “to tease” is to make fun of or attempt to provoke a person. But how can this be related to ads? Do marketers tease their potential customers? Check the article below to discover what are teaser ads, how they work, and their…
About Digital

8 Types of LinkedIn ad formats with examples

LinkedIn is a social network founded in 2002 and created for people who want to find a job, update business connections, or share their experience with other professionals. Similar to Facebook and Instagram, and most of the social networks, LinkedIn allows sharing paid…
About Digital

How to Boost Your Facebook Organic Reach In 2020

Every year the already competitive field of marketing becomes more and more challenging. Markets are already saturated with alternative options across all markets, even niche products. That’s why everyone’s goal is to create content that is popular among users.