Certainly, if your website receives many calls — you need call tracking. There are some businesses that receive the maximum requests made by phones. When such companies use contextual advertising and don’t track calls, they lose money and left marketers powerless as employees know almost nothing on the part of the conversions. Find out what types of business must have call tracking to prevent situations described above.
No doubt that we make calls several times per day. Moreover, the number of calls made by smartphones has increased over the past five years. Find out statistics in the article “Advantages of call tracking usage from the US agencies viewpoint: expert opinion”. There you may read experts’ opinions on call tracking benefits for agencies and different businesses.
Some businesses receive extra calls. But what all of them have in common?
- Niches that provide urgent or professional services. People usually call the first type as they have a critical situation and need a fast solution. Professional services that require details specifications. And customers prefer to find them out via phone.
- The sum of the purchase is rather high. No one wants to spend their money on nothing. That’s why customers usually specify all the details of the deal while it comes to the expensive product.
- The product or service has plenty of characteristics that have to be explained and specified.
- Usually, paid search ads are used in these niches to drive potential customers to the website.
It is a paradox, but the main difficulty here is that often all the calls made from launched paid ads and other marketing campaigns are left to their fate. Businesses that don’t track calls make their marketers blind as they don’t know which channels perform better and how to allocate the budget. Thus, they might simply waste the advertising budget or count on their instincts.
Stay tuned to find out niches for which call tracking is a must-have. Thus, if your business falls into one of the following and you still don’t analyze calls — DO IT!
1. Real Estate
If your website is oriented to the real estate field, you probably do understand that your customers don’t buy or rent homes at once. Such an important decision simply needs some time to specify all the details, verify the facility, clarify rent cost, compare prices, etc. Thus, you know that your website visitors go through a long sales funnel and almost on its every stage they are accompanied by conversations with the real estate agents.
This is exactly the niche that obtains almost all the characteristics mentioned above: high price, a lot of details that have to be specified, and professional service provided by agents. Furthermore, there is an additional moment. Each proper request is really valuable in the real estate. Thus, using call tracking it is possible to control the work of real estate agents, how they process calls, how many of them do they miss, how fast is their reaction.
The same conditions work with those who are renting apartments or houses. People usually call to discuss details: whether they can rent a flat if they have a cat or dog, do they have to pay for the utility and WI-FI or it is already included in the price, etc.
Read the useful article under the topic: “Call Tracking in Real Estate Industry — How to Increase Sales by 30%”.
2. Home Services
If your business provides the following home services: pipe repair, painting, cleaning, phone and internet installation, windows/door placing, etc. — you need call tracking.
People often call such services to explain the issue they need to fix. It may be an old fence that has to be painted or a leaking pipe. Users call cleaning services to specify the hose sizes, in other words, the sizes of an area that has to be cleaned. The same thing is with an installation that may also require clarification if a customer has a non-standard width and length of the window or door.
Thus, the business you have provides professional service, it has a lot of characteristics and you probably use paid ads on different platforms to attract customers. On the other hand, if you don’t use call tracking you don’t know the keywords that drive leads to your website and all in all, make people call you. Because of this, you might use keywords that confuse users or simply don’t work. It means that you may have a company providing phone installation and repairment service, however, due to not clear messages, you receive junk leads who you are a mobile connection provider.
Use call analytics to avoid the situation mentioned above. For example, Ringostat provides the Analytics section where you can find a detailed report on advertising efficiency down to the keywords level. It allows you to see the effectiveness of launched advertising campaigns as well as keywords that attracted customers and then drive them to the website.
Example of the report in Ringostat Analytics section
Pay attention that no one wants to invite strangers to their house. Thus, a company that provides home services had to inspire confidence and be an expert in the field. Use different keywords and messages, try several types of campaigns and advertisements to give the maximum level of credibility to your customers. Then checked how this worked out using call tracking reports.
3. Education
There is another niche that requires time to make a choice and, for sure, has rather long sales funnel. Why? The answer is rather evident. Can you imagine yourself, searching for a primary school to your child, comparing different variants, the best conditions and then simply adding it to the basket? Well, the basket option is usually not even provided on the websites that offer services connected with education.
Sure, for example, foreign language courses may also sell books needed for the course and then have an option to add the book to the basket. Anyhow, before buying a book a customer needs to choose the language that he wants to study, to clarify the schedule, the number of students in the group, the level, whether he needs to pay for the whole course or it can be monthly, etc.
Education is a business with a lot of details and nuances. It is also the responsible decision for customers as the quality of the service provided in school may influence the future of their children, for example. Moreover, the prices in this niche are often rather high. It means that people making this choice want to hear the recommendations and be aware of all the possible details. That’s why they prefer to make calls.
Imagine that you are the owner of a foreign language school. Moreover, visitors can pass the test on your website and find out their language level. They can buy different books there as well. You also have launched paid ads in Google search, Facebook and Instagram.
But you don’t track calls. So what are the possible results? Google Analytics reports show that a lot of people visit the website. You have many calls per day. Nonetheless, there are no new students in the school. Why? There may be a lot of reasons, for example, the following ones:
- people visit your website to discover their language level only, and they are not interested in courses or even don’t know that you provide them;
- visitors entered the website to compare prices for different educational books;
- the message in paid ads is not clear;
- your school representatives work with customers has to be better — they need to give users further details on the school, describe conditions, prices, etc.
What to do in such a case? Try to improve service quality. For example, you can do this via Ringostat Smart Phone — a widget in the Google Chrome and intelligent assistant of sales reps. This is a real phone right in the browser that has several key advantages essential for any business. Here are some of them.
- Ringostat Smart Phone saves your sales reps time. They don’t need to manually enter customers numbers in the dialer — intelligent widget makes phone numbers on websites green so all that remains is to click on them.
- Messages can be sent right from Google Chrome. Sales reps don’t have to wait till the end of the conversation to send a message. Now they can do it during the call itself. But pay attention that you need to have the integration with Infobip service enabled.
- Data from CRM are available at the moment of the call. If you have integration with the CRM system, information on a caller is displayed in Ringostat Smart Phone. Now sales reps can call visitors by name at once and open the deal in one click.
- Change status. An upgrade that was recently released allows changing the sales rep status. Don’t turn off the system. Choose “Offline: 1 hour”, for example, if you have a break and “Offline: all day” if you are on a business trip.

4. Automotive sphere
The automotive niche includes a lot of branches: car stores, dealerships, insurances, repairment centers, etc. The interesting fact here is that all these fields receive a lot of requests made by phone.
It is not hard to understand why people make calls to these services. A broken car that needs to be fixed, rare details and all in all the purchase of the whole car that requires lots of additional questions. People want to have detailed information on the offer, credit and insurance conditions, taking a test-drive.
As it was mentioned above, no one adds a house to the basket, the same thing is with the car. It is also an expensive product that needs some time to be considered.
The useful article under the topic: “How Auto Dealers Can Use Call Tracking To Maximize Profits”.
5. Legal services
People prefer to call when things come to the law. First of all, it is a professional service that provides expert knowledge and skills. Secondly, prices in this sphere may depend on the service itself, however, they are often not cheap. And the last one, product in a legal niche has a lot of characteristics and pitfalls that need to be specified. Simply saying, you won’t add the lawyer to a basket.
Read a case study “The Story about MythBusters: How to Dispel Common Myths and Increase the Advertising Performance” on our blog.
It is also important to remember that each request is super valuable in this sphere. Likewise, as provided services are rather expensive, as well as cost per lead. So it is better to know the revenue from each channel.
Recently, Ringostat released end-to-end analytics that helps businesses to deal with the following issues.
- Discover the cost recovery of the investments in every advertising channel. End-to-end analytics provides an understanding of ad campaigns ROI (Return on Investment) up to the keyword.
- It provides the maximum flexibility of settings for every business needs. This distinguishes Ringostat end-to-end analytics from other services that provide the same-titled functionality. Everything can be customized so may be useful for different niches and business types.
- Work in one window. No need to create reports and consolidate data from different systems on your own — Ringostat end-to-end analytics does it for you.
Ringostat report with ROI column and CPPC (Cost per Proper Click)
End-to-end analytics refers to profit and deals which are the most valuable metric for the company. That’s why it is useful for both marketers and founders.
All the businesses mentioned above represent niches that must use call tracking. But it’s not all! If your company receives at least 5% of requests made by phone — you also have to analyze calls. No matter what your business is about if you have launched paid ads and customers call you, call tracking will bring you profit only. With its help, you will be able to solve the issues described below.
- Define the efficacy of separate channels. Understand what ad campaigns and advertisements bring revenue and which ones — don’t.
- Use Ringostat Smart Phone to improve the service quality and economize sales reps time.
- Invest only in campaigns that bring profit. Using end-to-end analytics and knowing ROI for each channel you can wisely allocate the advertising budget and opt-out ineffective campaigns.