Our professional holiday is on September 30. It’s Call Tracking Day. And, traditionally, we look back at the top 12 of our updates made within a year. Moreover, our clients receive discounts of up to 50% on any pricing.
We have already described in detail the discounts and how to receive them in a special article. Now we will provide you more information on this year’s main updates.
We released more than 200 updates since last year’s Call Tracking Day. Some of them were large-scale and helped to lead the analytics and sales department on a new level. Others concerned only Ringostat internal processes optimization. Thus, they could be invisible to our users, at first sight. However, each of them made Ringostat a more useful, convenient and better platform for you.
We have told you about updates that influenced your work with Ringostat in our monthly digest. Updates that made the work more convenient and effective, the ones that opened new opportunities. And now, we have chosen 12 the most significant ones out of them.
1. Virtual PBX 2.0 with inbound and outbound calls flexible settings
We understand that there are no two similar companies as all business processes are different and individual. That’s exactly why we try to make all our system settings flexible and easily adapted to any business needs. This also concerns Virtual PBX that we updated this year.
Now Ringostat Virtual PBX is a true multifunctional telephony that easily customizes to tasks and peculiarities of any business. It gives you various opportunities.
- To be always in touch, using different call forwarding and proceeding scenarios. Flexibly distribute inbound calls and customize a multi-level voice menu so your customer can apply to the needed department at once.
- Decrease the number of missed requests using a call queue during the surge period. Setup notifications of missed calls via messages or e-mail to immediately call back customers whose requests were missed.
- Create custom reports that will show the work efficacy of your sales reps, as well as set up the automatic sending of the most viewed reports via email with custom frequency.
We have also expanded outbound connection opportunities. Now you can change the number that will be shown during the outbound call. It is useful to increase loyalty. As you show exactly the number that your customers or partners want to see. And there is no difference where they are from.
Let’s consider our clients’ new opportunities.
- Make a single number to be displayed during outbound calls from you in a certain direction. It may be a country or country + provider. This is useful when your sales reps make calls from different phones or offices.
- Customize a single number to be displayed during a call from a certain SIP account. It is useful when you need a separated number for a specific employee or department.
- Ban outbound calls from a certain SIP account.
You set the needed number of rules under which the system will show specific numbers during your outbound calls.
2. Ringostat Smart Phone extension with sales reps analytical assistant and intelligent phone in the browser
It’s not a secret that we have worked on this update for a while. We thoroughly did it, tested with our users, received feedback and modified it more and more. As a result, we received an instrument made directly for a sales department’s needs and tasks. It will help you to save money and budget. Moreover, you will be closing deals more effectively and with higher average check size.
Ringostat Smart Phone is an extension for Google Chrome that includes sales rep analytical assistant and intelligent phone in the browser. Using it you will be able to lead the work with calls on a new level.
- Call from any browser page or a cloud CRM system simply clicking on the number.
- Open contact or deal in CRM in one click right during the conversation. As well as you can call the customer by name if his contact is already presented in the CRM system.
- See the maximum information on a customer even before replying to his call. You can also see the advertising source and keyword that brought the visitor to your website. Moreover, how often does he visit your website, what pages did he browse through and the one from which he is calling right now. This is useful to predict your customer needs, close deals effectively and make a wise upsell.
- Easy call processing. You can put the call on hold, turn off the microphone if you need to check something with your colleague: a customer, meanwhile, will hear pleasant hold music. Аs well as you can immediately transfer the call to another employee when he is ready to make a conversation.
- Calls log is always at your fingertips. You can see in one click who has called you and who you have called to. It is also possible to dial the number right here. There are both call status and the conversation duration for each call. Missed calls are highlighted in red apart. This may help to mention such an appeal on time and to call back the client until he didn’t choose your competitor.
Ringostat Smart Phone functionality helps sales reps to save time, comfortably work in one window and understand who is calling and why even before answering the phone.
Read more on Ringostat Smart Phone in the article.
3. The new generation of integrations with popular CRM — more productivity, less manual work
It is impossible to create an integration that would be perfect for any business. That’s why flexibility is the main point in the new generation of integrations with CRM. They are so easy to set up so it seems that developers created them, especially for your business processes. You set the conditions for the creation of deals, contacts, and tasks. The data that will be transferred from Ringostat to a specific field in CRM is also customized.
Here are only some key peculiarities of Ringostat and CRM updated integrations.
- Flexible customization. The integration is easily customized to your business processes. Moreover, if it’s needed it can be changed in two clicks. It’s exactly you who set the conditions for the creation of deals, contacts, and tasks. All you need to do is to click on the required checkbox in the special matrix.
- Automatic transfer of key data to CRM. After the call, the information on the advertising source that brought the customer is driven to the deal card. The audio recording of the conversation is also attached. This helps to find out the advertisement that leads customers and how sales reps process inbound requests.
- Transfer of additional data from Ringostat to CRM. You can choose additional data, besides default one, that you want to transfer from Ringostat to CRM system. The field in CRM may be also chosen. You can customize everything in the “Sending additional information” section and not stop at default settings.

4. Integration with Instagram, Facebook, Google Ads, as well as Facebook Pixel
Recently, Ringostat users have an opportunity to enable integrations with Instagram, Facebook, and Google Ads accounts.
Why do you need it? A new CPPC column will appear in the report on contextual advertising if you enable one of the integrations mentioned above. This column will show the cost of the proper call from the specific ad network. That’s exactly why it is called Cost Per Proper Call.
One more important and useful integration is Ringostat and Facebook Pixel integration. Now Ringostat users can automatically send events about calls from Ringostat to Facebook. Everything is transferred to Facebook as a default “Contact” event. This will allow to:
- form an audience for look-alike ad campaign;
- consider conversions to calls when you work with advertisements on Facebook;
- customize retargeting for people who have already called, in other words, the most interested in purchase ones.
That’s why you can work with them as with other metrics. One of the most important advantages of this integration is that it is super easy to install. You don’t have to make changes in the website code. Everything is customized in the Ringostat account.
5. Integration with Hubspot and Salesforce — profitable cooperation with the world-famous CRM
Salesforce is the world leader that occupies 19% of the CRM market and rapidly grows. Furthermore, the system actively purchases solutions in related niches and customizes to its product. That’s why users can choose tools appropriate for themselves and work with them in the same ecosystem.
Despite the fact that HubSpot CRM is less popular than Salesforce, it is one of the most well-known solutions to automate marketing and sales. Users highly appreciate it for a convenient and clear interface. Moreover, HubSpot allows you to use the chat for website, send messages right from CRM, see the chat history on a contact page, etc.
Now both systems users can work effortlessly with calls by automating the sales department. It is possible due to CRM and Ringostat connection. These two integrations have similar “smart” logic that does routine actions instead of a sales rep. Contact, deal, and task are automatically created at the moment of the inbound call from a new customer.

After each call, the advertising source of request: source, channel, campaign, keyword, and the call recording are attached to the deal card.
When there is an inbound call from the client, the “smart” call forwarding logic automatically transfers the request to the responsible sales rep. Let’s say sales rep can’t reply to the call at the moment: e.g. he is absent or talking to another customer. In such a case, the client will be connected to a free employee. After what the task with the call recording is set to the responsible sales rep — this will help to avoid “Chinese whispers”.
The described case works by default. Nevertheless, connections with Hubspot and Salesforce are the new generation of Ringostat integrations. That’s why you can choose under what circumstances contacts, deals and tasks will be created. It is also possible to customize the additional data that will be transferred from Ringostat and to which field in CRM.
Read more on Ringostat integration with Hubspot and Salesforce in the article.
6. The scale of project usage by a client
Ringostat is an instrument with a wide number of features. If you want to receive the maximum from it, you need to wisely use the functionality. However, there are so many features that it is easy to miss or forget something. That’s why we implemented a special metric that will show how effectively you use the service and how to make it the more useful possible.
Now every client sees an ordinal and circular scales. They show the effectiveness of Ringostat usage in percentage, as well as the block with hints and a check-list of project settings.

Points will show a hint on the mouseover. When the point is done it becomes light grey and the percentage increases. The one who has done all points may pretend to receive a black belt in call tracking 🙂
7. Call queue update
Call queue is Ringostat feature that allows not to lose customers when lines are overloaded and all operators are busy. You can also spread the workload across sales reps and choose different scenarios that will distribute calls between employees.
The updated call queue received several new features.
- Automatic check whether SIP accounts from the queue are online. This update was implemented to avoid the case when a customer waited for a reply for a long time and didn’t receive it. If it happens that accounts from the queue are offline, the call is transferred to another direction in queue or scheme. In case if there are no more directions, the call is ended and the status “No answer” appears in the call log. Thus, the customer won’t wait for the reply on the line. Meanwhile, a representative won’t lose the client as he is able to call back immediately when he sees such a status in the call log.
- Set timeout for the connection with sales rep waiting. This feature is also made to save your customers’ time. Now you can set the time of their waiting period on the line before connection with every representative in the scheme.
8. Reports creation and management in the “Analytics” section
The analytics section was created and modified specially for professional marketers and analytics needs. 10 basic reports are available in the section by default. These reports show how traffic driven by ads is converted to calls. However, experience has shown that sometimes basic reports are not enough. That’s why due to the update users have an opportunity to:
- create custom reports, by choosing parameters, metrics, and filters;
- edit or delete reports;
- copy reports;
- choose the report that will be displayed the first when you open the section.
All opportunities that provide the “Analytics” section are described in the article “Analytics Section of Version 2.0: The Most Important Data On Call Sources”.
9. A developed form for the management of numbers in the pool
It may seem that the update is not big. However, it is highly important for Ringostat users that have dozens of numbers in the project. Now it is much easier to manage numbers. Such an opportunity appeared in the Insertion script section — Pools:
- to choose in one click all numbers in the pool to delete/transfer them;
- to see the whole quantity of available for choosing numbers;
- the quantity of selected numbers that are free to choose.
10. Simplified call evaluation
Whatever it sounds but not all calls are equally important and useful for the company. That’s why after the conversation a sales rep gives it a category and value. In Ringostat you can do it manually as usual, or even more easily.
Let’s say a user has the category menu activated after the call. It means that he hears the voice menu hints. It explains the match between phone buttons and categories. Sales reps usually remember the number that corresponds to the category after several calls. Now they don’t have to wait till the end of the audio to give the status to a conversation. Representatives simply press # and instantly enter required symbols.
11. The opportunity to hide the callback widget
As we have mentioned, the flexibility is one of our key priorities during the system setup. It also concerns UI parts of our functionality. They are implied to user’s websites and have to fit their design. That’s exactly why we put so many forces to callback form adjustment. You can choose its style, color, design, etc. The same applies to the widget.
However, some of our users, using Ringostat callback form, prefer to change the widget on their own. For example, it may be in the shape of the company’s logo. For such clients, we added an opportunity to hide the default Ringostat widget and imply the custom one. The callback form will be still displayed by clicking on the widget.
12. Feature to increase forms conversion on the website
The last but not least update in our TOP. This feature helps to immediately react to customer’s requests. This causes wow-effect, increases loyalty and not gives visitors time to change their minds or search for the same product on your competitors’ websites.
The feature works on the same principle as the callback. When a user fills in the form on the website and leaves his number, the system automatically calls a sales rep. Right as the representative picks up the phone, it connects him with the customer. Thus, in several seconds after filling in the form, the customer talks to the sales rep.
The advantages:
- instant reaction on the request — customers are used that company’s employees don’t callback immediately that’s why a call in a few seconds creates a wow-effect and increases the loyalty;
- a sale probability increasing — a customer won’t have time to change his mind or find an offer on competitor’s website;
- easy customization — you don’t have to make any changes in the code to install this feature, everything is easily customized in Ringostat account within 15 minutes.
One more update didn’t enter this TOP list. And it’s not because it is not worthy of your attention. By contrast, it is so huge that we can’t put it in a small article.
We are talking about end-to-end analytics that will help you to analyze the whole customer journey — from the first contact with the brand to the purchase. It will also help to understand how much profit brings every channel. Ringostat end-to-end analytics differs from other same-titled instruments. Among its peculiarities are Event-Driven attribution, time decay, and flexible customization. It is also useful as provides an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of investments made in advertisements from almost any system. Thus, you are not limited by our integrations and can manually upload costs in the end-to-end analytics.
Read more on Ringostat end-to-end analytics specificities in the article.
If you have a question about updates described above or Ringostat functionality in general — simply text us in the chat and we will help you to figure it out.