Ringostat Features

Digest of Ringostat updates for December 2019

2019 has already left, so it’s the right time to take stock of the last month. As usual, holidays didn’t prevent us from creating updates in December. Read on the most important update for our partners and changes in the logic of integrations with CRM systems.

1. Different access levels in the agency account

Agencies often work with their clients’ sensitive information. That’s why it is important to save privacy and give access to several employees only. Starting from December, Ringostat easily solves this task. For now, it is possible to set different access levels for agencies specialists.

You can choose projects that will be open for this or another employee. Thus, workers won’t see the information on clients with whom they don’t work.

Open the Settings section in the Ringostat agency account to set access levels. Add employees by entering their emails and select the appropriate status.

Different access levels in the agency account, Ringostat updates

Employees that have “Full” and “Advanced” levels can manage settings of their colleagues with the “Restricted” status. If you want a staff member to see data on a specific project simply enter their titles:

Different access levels in the agency account, Ringostat updates

The advantages

  • add employees to the project and don’t worry that they will change something by a chance;
  • restrict a workers’ access to their colleagues’ projects to save the privacy of clients’ sensitive data;
  • give your account entire control on clients’ projects — an employee responsible for call tracking can simply receive the full or advanced access.

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2. Integration with Pipedrive 2.0: entities creation during filling in the online form on the website

When there is an integration with the CRM, Ringostat automatically creates contacts/leads, deals, and tasks after the call. For now, these entities are created as the visitor will fill in the online form on the website.

The update is available for the projects that are: 

You can easily set the next action that follows online form filling in. Open Ringostat account and choose integration with Pipedrive 2.0 section. Scroll the page to the matrix where you can the integration logic. There you will see a new row — On sending a form from the site. Put ticks in checkboxes that interest you. Hints that appear while putting a mouse on the column/row description, will be helpful for you.

Matrix with the integration logic, Ringostat updates
Actions Create contact, Create deal, Create organization is selected by default.

You can also choose Ringostat data that would be transferred to the CRM as well as the field to transfer. This match is also set in the integration settings of the Ringostat account. To do so, open Sending additional information to Pipedrive block.

Sending additional information to Pipedrive, Ringostat updates

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3. Updates search of entities for the integration with Salesforce CRM

At the end of the summer we have integrated with one of the top world CRM — Salesforce. The advantages: 

  • after a call, the system automatically creates contacts, tasks, and deals — the sales rep does not have to create them manually;
  • the customer’s phone number and data on the advertisement that brought a user to the website: source, channel, campaign, and keyword are driven to deal card;
  • smart integration logic ensures that sales reps who are responsible for the deal receive calls.

In December, we released an update that affected both of these integrations. When a customer who is already presented in the database calls to a company, Ringostat searches in the CRM for the corresponding customer by a phone number. Now we have improved the logic of this identification.

  1. When there is a call from a customer, first of all, Ringostat looks for contact with this number. 
  2. If there are no matches the system starts to search for a lead with this number. 
  3. If there is an open lead in the CRM at the moment of call creation, as well as contact with a phone number, the call will be connected to a contact.
  4. If there is no contact with a phone number in the CRM, the call will be connected to a lead. 

Why is it important? First of all, a call is a communication with a customer. That’s why it is more logical to connect it with contact but not a lead.

We will set an example. Let’s say customer N has already called a company and the deal with his contacts was already created. During several weeks a sales rep 5 times connected with a buyer. All these calls were assigned to a deal. But let’s imagine that a product wasn’t bought and the deal was closed.

Three months after, N once again calls to a company. There is no open deal for him so a sales rep creates a new one and everything starts from the very beginning. As a result, an employee knows nothing about this customer and has to build communication from nothing. A customer may even be irritated by this fact as he already knows the company and has to once again explain everything.

Due to the update, a sales rep will avoid such a situation. He instantly sees that there already were lots of communications with contact “customer N”. This will allow saving sales rep’s time, as well as customer’s, and quicker understand his needs.

We are always ready to help you with the implementation of the updates described below 🙂 Text us to chat or comments.

About author

A full-time marketer with 3 years of experience in the B2B sphere. Started my path in marketing as a translator and content creator. Tried myself in social media outreach and email campaigns. I also worked with niche marketing (real estate) and partnership program (affiliate).