Ringostat Features

Digest of Ringostat updates for April 2020

Like most companies in April, we were in quarantine. But we did and continue to do everything so that our users do not feel the difference in comparison with the “normal” time. In the previous month, Ringostat released five updates: new integrations, and improved payment process, and much more.

1. Integration with Messenger: beta version

At the beginning of April, we announced the release of Ringostat Messenger, a multi widget for processing leads from different messengers. Now the sales rep does not need to keep open corporate Viber and Telegram, and time from time checking the company’s Facebook. So there will still be a chance that he will miss one request while he answers the other one in another interface. Due to Ringostat Messenger, messages get in one window and the sales rep can communicate with customers there.

In addition to Viber and Telegram, we added Messenger to the extension. This will allow covering all communication channels that customers can text to. How it works:

IMPORTANT: integration is in opened beta-testing now

    • the customer opens the company’s Facebook and texts a message;
    • the sales rep receives a pop-up notification that a new dialog has been added to the queue — even if the browser is minimized;
    • the employee opens Ringostat Messenger and starts the work with a dialog;
    • all the further conversation takes place in Ringostat Messenger, while the customer continues to text a company on Facebook;
    • if several buyers send messages at the same time, dialogs will appear in the queue, and the sales rep will take them to work one by one;
    • the employee can see information on the customer that he is chatting with: from which ad he came from, which pages he viewed most often, how many times he called, etc .;
    • the sales rep can also find out the history of all active dialogs that are still in the work.

Using Ringostat Messenger and new integration, you shorten the customer’s journey. He does not have to wait until the SMM specialist sends the information to colleagues from the sales department, then wait for their answer, etc. The needed employee will immediately answer the customer’s questions. This increases the chance of closing the deal faster and easier.

2. Integration with SalesDrive

This update will be useful for online stores and any companies that sell their products online. It’s especially important during quarantine when many types of businesses have moved online.

Salesdrive is a CRM system, designed for online stores and sales of goods. It allows you to work with requests from the website, telephony, documents, newsletters, and much more. Now the owners of online stores can not only receive calls but also analyze ads that drive leads.

Advantages of the integration 

    1. Automatic transfer call data to SalesDrive. CRM stores the history of conversations for all deals.
    2. Sales department control and service quality improvement. The system records information on missed and received calls by the sales rep.
    3. Understanding of ads that brought the lead. Data about the source, channel, campaign, and a keyword is stored in the SalesDrive call database and transferred to applications.

Due to SalesDrive and Ringostat integration, the call is immediately transferred to the responsible employee. The sales rep can also make calls from CRM in one click. When there is an inbound call, the employee sees a pop-up call card. He can fill it out during a conversation, create an application, and contact, see all customer’s requests, leave a comment. If it’s a junk call, the employee just needs to leave a comment and create no contact.

💰 Turn your sales team into a profit pipeline with Ringostat

Increase sales productivity and control managers to close maximum deals

3. Call categories set by default

Ringostat provides the opportunity to create your own call categories. This helps to evaluate the quality of traffic and filter calls by the topic. For example, you can specify the categories “spam”, “consultation”, “sale”, “service issues”.

Since April, categories that are relevant for any business will be available by default when you create a project:

  • spam
  • consultation on a new order/customer;
  • consultation on the current order/customer (support);
  • sale of goods/services.
Call categories set by default, ringostat updates

We want to remind you that you can go to the settings in the section of your Ringostat account General Settings — Call Categories. After the call, the sales rep can assign a category either manually or in semi-automatic mode. You can read more information in the article from the knowledge base.

🏆 Increase the productivity of your sales team with Ringostat and close more deals

Control how managers work — listen to audio recordings of calls, see reports on missed calls and employee performance


Be aware of everything — Ringostat will instantly notify you of a missed call or a left voice message

4. Comfy list of Ringostat integrations

Ringostat has 20+ ready-made integrations, so for your convenience, we have created a new section for them. There you can easily see the integrations that are already connected as well as the ones that can be connected. There is a brief description of the services and the ability to search. Integrations are further divided into seven topics:

Activated integrations are highlighted by a round green icon with a checkmark inside. They are also displayed in a separate block above the search bar — “Activated now.”

ringostat updates, activated integrations

The quarantine will end very soon and many of us will return to the office. Fortunately, our products are “in the cloud,” so our customers can easily move back. Want to effectively prepare your sales after quarantine? Text us in the chat, and we will find the right product for you.

About author

A full-time marketer with 3 years of experience in the B2B sphere. Started my path in marketing as a translator and content creator. Tried myself in social media outreach and email campaigns. I also worked with niche marketing (real estate) and partnership program (affiliate).