Fitting hearing aids is a complex process that requires more than a single visit to a hearing center. The client goes through such stages as a hearing test, determination of the degree of hearing loss, fitting of hearing aids, sound adjustment, etc. The patient chooses a company that offers hearing aids on the recommendation of a doctor or after independently studying information on the Internet. Usually, communication begins with an appointment for a consultation by phone. Clients of Ototon Hearing Care Center follow this path as well. The company turned to Ringostat to handle phone calls more efficiently.
About the project and its features
Ototon Hearing Center offers solutions for people with hearing loss, as well as products and services for prevention. The company has 200 models of hearing aids from the Swiss brands Phonak and Bernafon. The company has 13 centers in Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas, Stara Zagora and Pazardzhik.
Buying a hearing aid is not done in one click. This is a responsible process when the client carefully studies the models, weighs the pros and cons, and consults with a specialist. Only then does the customer place an order. Therefore, Ototon’s sales cycle lasts from one to two months. The client usually visits the center two to four times during this time.
To begin with, a potential buyer can take a hearing test right on the center’s website. The client can already contact the company knowing the degree of their hearing loss. Or his relatives can do it for him if he is unable to hear the interlocutor on the phone. However, most people with hearing loss, according to the center’s experience, are still able to fully communicate during a call. Parents of hearing-impaired children can also contact Ototon, as the center has Otokids pediatric rooms.
The telephone is the main channel of communication with clients at Ototon. The website also has a contact form, but in most cases, the deal begins with verbal communication. Firstly, it is easier and faster to discuss the many nuances of the purchase:
- which device is more suitable for a particular hearing level;
- what characteristics it has;
- how much money the buyer is looking for;
- whether there are preferences regarding the appearance of the device, and much more.
Secondly, the Bulgarian audience prefers to discuss the purchase verbally. This way, customers can quickly and easily get the information they need.
As a rule, phone calls to the centers are related to making an appointment, changing it, asking questions to a specific specialist, and getting advice on how to use the devices they have already purchased.
Why Ototon chose Ringostat telephony
Ototon Hearing Center has state-of-the-art audiological equipment, which is used to conduct an initial hearing analysis of each client. Trained specialists select an individual solution based on the analysis, and the client can take advantage of additional settings and warranty service after purchasing the device.
Each stage of the user’s journey is accompanied by phone communication. The Ototon team decided to use Ringostat virtual PBX to ensure a high level of service.
Previously, we used a telephony solution that simply distributed calls between colleagues based on incoming calls. But we didn’t get statistics on calls, and it didn’t allow us to see the full picture.”
How Ototon processes calls using Ringostat telephony
Site visitors call Ototon by calling the 0800 number listed in the header of each page. Calls to such numbers are free of charge for the customer, and the company bears the costs.
Customers can also contact the most convenient center directly on the Center’s page:
Proper call distribution is critical for optimal employee utilization – it prevents one office from receiving too many calls, depriving another of work.
It is also significant that the customer communicates with the same specialist who is already familiar with their needs at all stages of the purchase. This way, the client doesn’t need to tell his story and to a different specialist. And it saves valuable time.
Communication between the client and the company does not end after the purchase of hearing aids. Clients repeatedly contact Ototon in the process of adapting to the new devices for further adjustment and recommendations on how to use the devices. A quick referral to a service specialist is the key to customer satisfaction.
Service quality control
We regularly listen to conversations with clients and compile personal reports. They help to identify good and bad practices. With Ringostat, each employee can provide examples from real-life situations, which makes it easy to get things done quickly and easily.

Recordings are not only a way to work with employees individually, but are also used in the training process. Using real-life examples helps employees to be prepared for any situation.
A callback form is a way to create a wow effect among customers
Ototon especially appreciated callback from Ringostat.
A virtual PBX is a must for any business that communicates with customers mainly by phone. Ringostat copes with this task perfectly. For the system to work well, it must first be optimally configured. Mikhail Grigorov, our account manager, played a key role here, reacting quickly and adequately in any situation. Thanks to him, everything went quickly and easily.”
When a user stays on the site for a certain period of time, a form pops up on the screen, calling for a call:
The widget is also displayed by clicking on the phone icon in the lower right corner of the screen. This is intuitive for users, because they are used to looking for a way to communicate with a manager at the bottom of the page — similar to online stores.
After entering the phone number, it is possible to order a call not immediately, but for a certain time. If the call is ordered now, Ringostat automatically dials the number of the Ototon specialist and then connects him to the client. This always evokes positive emotions among potential users, because only a few call centers can provide a connection within 30 seconds.
Callbacks are most often used by the most motivated customers. On average, 87% of calls come from unique users, not from those who have already been contacted before or are just calling for clarification.
73% of callbacks are targeted calls. During such calls, customers talk to an Ototon representative for quite a long time, which once again proves that the callers are interested and ready to spend time talking.
Thanks to Ringostat PBX, Ototon Hearing Center received not only reliable communication but also a call management tool. In addition, they have provided their customers with an additional communication channel, which is used by people who are ready to buy. The promptness of Ototon representatives’ response to incoming calls influences customers’ motivation to visit the convenient center to receive expert advice and select the most suitable hearing aid.