In order to find out what the perfect call tracking service should be, we posed this question to Quora users and received a comprehensive answer from Brazil that describes general standards of modern call tracking services.
Quora is a popular question-and-answer website that is used all around the world by professionals from different spheres. This service allows you to:
- obtain the data you need for your marketing researches;
- consult with the professionals from the sphere of your interest;
- build your own reputation through answering the questions.
This is a good way to get a lot of useful and needed business contacts. Ringostat aims to enter the international market, so we were interested in the users’ opinions about the call tracking services must-have features. In addition, we asked what the best international call tracking company was. The service proposed to forward the question to the experts, and we sent it to 19 registered users.

To tell the truth, it was difficult to believe that we would receive a reasonable response in a short time and weren’t in a hurry to check the account. But when logged in, a detailed answer was waiting for us. Its author was the director of the Brazilian internet-marketing agency, Juliana Ely.

As we can see from the response, it’s hard to name the exact leader in this field. There’re many parameters and factors that have a different value for each customer and vary depending on the call tracking service.
Nevertheless, we could draw a portrait of the ideal call tracking service: it should have a tight friendship with different analytical systems, create clients database and integrate it with CRMs, record and store phone conversations with client’s permission, be easy to configure, unmistakably determine callers’ numbers, have an international tech support team and constantly enrich its functionality with the new features. And of course, a price/quality ratio plays one of the most important role.
Can we extrapolate the Brazilian market demand to the UK/US market?
Since call tracking is a relatively new service that quickly became a trend, customer requirements are roughly the same in different countries with a growing internet business. Furthermore, international call tracking companies provide the same standard for every country. The question of price is certainly always important. In our article on Netpeak blog there’s a simple scheme that shows the feasibility of the service implementation.
The questions of integration with different analytical and CRM systems was also posed. All the international call tracking services can do this, otherwise, they would be unable to compete. The most practical one is a one-click integration, the service has to provide the extensive API for the advanced users. As for the voice recognition, many companies are talking and starting to work on this feature that will lead the technology to a new level.
Experience in the use of Quora has taught us the following:
- To receive a precise answer on the topic of your interest, it’s better to ask the highly specialized questions. For the maximal audience coverage it’s possible to ask the same question on another websites. For example,
- This is a convenient way to receive information about the habitual methods and tools from the people living and working on other continents.
- The marketers can understand deeper the needs of target audience living in other countries.
- Quora is a platform that helps to find international partners.
- You can share your experience and give useful pieces of advice. This will allow you to become a Quora expert with time and receive the requests from potential partners and clients.