If a sales rep from time to time works outside the office, it is very difficult to control his work. However, at this time, he might use his smartphone to communicate with clients. But what if he misses calls, or he is rude? This problem can be easily solved — the mobile phone needs to be connected to the Ringostat virtual PBX. Read how to get full control over employee’s conversations and reports on their effectiveness.
Why do you need this
When the sales rep works from the office, the manager controls his communication with customers. For example, he can listen to calls or check the virtual PBX reports. But when the employee leaves the office, his communication goes to the “blind zone”. All calls are processed with a smartphone, so the virtual PBX can’t record it.
At the same time, there are many niches where sales reps often communicate with customers outside the office:
- real estate — an employee regularly shows buyers an apartment or house;
- construction and repair — the builder stays at the facility almost all the time;
- logistics — forwarding agents track the cargo;
- auto dealership — if a customer orders a car from another country, sometimes the sales rep must drive it, check everything, etc .;
- the service sector — for example, babysitters stay with the child almost all the time;
- private hospitals — doctors that can visit seriously ill patients, etc.
Sure, you can hope for the honesty of your employees. But such credulity can every day cost a business a large sum. Especially when every customer matters and the company spends a lot of money on attracting leads. Moreover, this is especially relevant now when many companies have remained to work remotely. The only right solution is to send to the virtual PBX calls that sales reps make with their smartphones. Just as if they were communicating with customers while sitting in the office.
How does it work
Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) is a technological solution that combines different types of communication networks: fixed and mobile. It allows you to create a single network of office phones and mobile phones with a common plan of short numbering.
You can get even more benefits by using this option with call tracking. Thus, you will not only control the work of sales reps but also monitor ads that drive your customers. Ringostat reports will provide information on the source, channel, campaign, and keyword that led to the call. Our client, who uses the combination of these two tools, describes the advantages of FMC and call tracking.

For me, as a marketer, the main value of listening to calls is the ability to determine targeted calls from ad channels as well as the conversion of banners. Notice frequently asked questions and calculate the number of target ones with the correct cost per one call. Due to listening to conversations, the task of optimizing ad campaigns and creating new “working” creatives is simplified. Also, the sales department does not need to keep in mind all the details of each order. If a year ago there was an issue with orders, now we solved it due to listening to calls.
A crucial thing. During the quarantine period, when there was no IP phone available at hand, we reconfigured the incoming call flow to the sales reps’ smartphones. It turned out to be very convenient. Listening to calls made it clear what was happening in sales: how well the employees process requests, what difficulties appear in our “new reality”. The listening helped us to adapt and not to lose leads. We could see where to invest the budget so that the indicators did not fall down, but only increased.
We built a report based on the obtained data. The management can use it to determine the effectiveness of each employee. And the archive of conversations is an irreplaceable assistant in training new employees and improving the qualifications of experienced sales reps. The presence of records of the following dialogs: customer-sales rep / customer-service / customer-logistician helps to understand a situation if there is conflict.
Based on the report, we reward sales reps if all conversations are processed the right way. We implement and test the effectiveness of scripts for the sales department. We adjust the employee motivation system. Due to listening to all calls, we have a clear picture, even when there is no Internet connection or the sales rep is absent. We see how many calls there were before ordering, during production, and before delivery. Using this option throughout the year, we have achieved a greater return on advertising campaigns, and became even better at understanding our customers.”
Advantages that FMC offers
1. Full control of employees
In the Ringostat call log, you can view the entire history of communication between sales reps and customers, both for inbound and outbound calls. The following information is attached to each call:
- date;
- status: accepted, missed, target call, etc .;
- caller’s number and the number of the company and employee’s name;
- waiting time;
- duration of the conversation;
- audio recording.
Thus, you can conclude:
- how many calls processes each sales rep;
- whether the employee often misses calls and how long does it take to answer;
- whether he answers with short phrases or makes the conversation longer than necessary;
- how polite the employee is, whether he understands the product/service good enough, etc.

2. Reports on the effectiveness of sales reps
Evaluate how each individual employee processes calls. This will help you understand who is truly effective and who is just playing pretend that he works. In Ringostat, you can create a report on calls of a specific employee in just a minute.
3. A client won’t know the personal phone number of a sales rep
You can configure that the same company’s number is always displayed for outbound calls from a sales rep to a customer. With inbound calls, you can set up a system of additional numbers for employees. In this case, the customer can immediately choose which number to use to connect with his sales rep. That’s how you will avoid the situation when the employee gives the customer his own phone number, so then their communication can no longer be controlled.
4. Integration with the CRM
Ringostat now has 20+ ready-made integrations with the most popular CRM systems. Due to this, calls can be automatically transferred to such systems. In this case, you will be able to listen to conversations in relation to a specific deal. You can also forward calls directly to the responsible for the deal person.
A big advantage of the integration with the CRM system is its smart logic. Instantly after the call, a contact, deal, and task are automatically created. If the sales rep missed the call, there will be a task with a deadline “to call back”, etc.
5. Possibility to notice and prevent problems in advance
You can at any time find the history of communication between the needed employee and the customer. For example:
- the employee is about to quit and discusses details with other employers;
- he negotiates with your competitor;
- he is not involved in the work process and does not interested in solving customers’ issues;
- calls for personal needs from a work mobile, spending company money.
Connection process
Contact your provider for the numbers that you need to be tracked. For example, Ukrainian users can contact the lifecell connection provider. After activating the service, all calls will go to the Ringostat virtual PBX first, and only then sent to the smartphone of the employee.