Detailed settings of numbers substitution and a more convenient way to put calls on hold in Ringostat Smart Phone. Quick calls from HubSpot CRM interface and small chances to create the contact or deal copy in CRM at the moment of the customer’s request.
1. Small chances to create a copy of deals in CRM
Due to CRM and Ringostat integration, contacts, tasks, and deals are automatically created at the moment of the call. However, it happens that a representative obtained the customer’s phone number, for example, during a personal meeting. And entered his number in CRM even before the first customer’s call.
In this case, an employee can enter the number in the domestic format: (541) 754-3010 but not in the international one: +1-541-754-3010. When this customer will call, the system won’t “recognize” the number as Ringostat transfers numbers only in the international format. This may be a reason why a copy of the deal or contact is created. It may happen even if the customer is already presented in the base and your sales reps are working with him. Such a situation is impossible now as Ringostat more precisely collates numbers and deals.
2. Generation of repeated number substitution by accessing a new function in the script
Numbers are substituted during the page is downloading. However, if it’s needed, you can “generate” repeated substitution. It may be useful if you have website elements that appear by a click but not during the page downloading. For example, a modal window with the registration on the website form.
If this element has a number inside, the call tracking script doesn’t “recognize” and not substitute it. Although, you can avoid this problem due to repeated substitution. It is also can be implemented using the “observeDOM” feature, however, it is not useful for everyone. Especially when there are a lot of changes on the page, for example, animation.
Now in Ringostat, there is a way to generate repeated number substitution by accessing a new function in the script:
E.g., you can use this feature after the user is clicking on the modal window on the website. To do so, ask your website programmer. Our tech support is also always happy to install the script on your website 🙂
3. Quick calls from HubSpot CRM interface
Ringostat released integration with HubSpot in June. It is the CRM that is used by more than 60 500 users in 100 countries. This platform includes other tools useful for both marketing and sales departments:

Don’t forget that integration with HubSpot CRM will help you to solve different tasks.
- Workflow automation. After the call, deals, tasks, and contacts are automatically created by the custom logic or according to default settings.
- Sales department control. Listen to recordings of conversations attached to every deal. Thus, you can analyze reasons of won and lost deals.
- Understanding of budget allocation. A marketer sees how traffic is converted into sales and calls from certain deals.
Time-saving is another advantage added to these ones. You can make calls in one click right from the CRM interface via Ringostat Smart Phone. It is available for such sections:
- data on contact and company;
- calls card;
- notifications.
Why do you need it:
- don’t copy a number to a dialer or enter it on your own — forget about tiny routine actions and focus on deals.
4. A convenient way to put calls on hold in Ringostat Smart Phone
There are two ways to transfer calls to your colleagues in Ringostat Smart Phone:
- blind call transfer — simply enter the required number or SIP account;
- attended call transfer — contact your colleague before the transfer and connect him with the customer only when the sales rep is ready.

Now right as you click on “Transfer to”, the call is automatically put on hold. Due to this, the customer doesn’t hear extra sounds at the moment when the sales rep is still entering another employee’s number.
5. Faster reaction to changes on the website
Has been improved the feature “observeDOM” created to track changes on the website. Now system track changes every 2,5 seconds but not every 5 seconds as it was before. It helps to quickly react if some components on the website have changed. As well as it is useful to insert the number if it additionally appears in the downloaded element.
Follow our news. We are going to announce the global update soon. Its scope can be barely compared to the previous ones. Meanwhile, text our chat and we will help you to insert updates described above.