Ringostat Features

Ringostat update digest for January 2025

From now on, you’ll be able to find out about our updates in English. Keep an eye out for the opportunities your business can gain from improvements to our platform. Read about IPv6 support for telephony, Ringostat Smart Phone updates, exporting data from the missed unprocessed calls report, and new Creatio integration options.

Export a report on missed unprocessed calls

In November 2024, the report on missed unprocessed calls was radically updated. Since then, it has been divided into separate tabs for processed and unprocessed calls. The manager can use the “Process” button to select the method of contacting the client, etc. 

This month, an additional improvement was introduced. You can export data separately from the “Processed Calls” and “Unprocessed Calls” tabs. To do this, click the “Export” button at the report’s top and select the desired format — CSV or XLSX. Employees with Analyst and Administrator access levels in Ringostat can export data. 

Ringostat updates, export report on missed unprocessed calls

By exporting data, you can gain additional insights to improve your service. You can apply filters and formulas to, for example, count how many calls were handled in a certain way. Or to understand the percentage of missed calls the team has remained unattended during the month.

Update Ringostat Smart Phone

Meet the next improvements for Ringostat Smart Phone, a convenient application for calls, messages, and chats that integrates with CRM. One of the advantages of the app is its cross-platform compatibility. So you can download the updated version for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS on our website. In the meantime, let’s take a look at what’s changed.

  1. Improved app security. We have conducted research and strengthened the protection of Ringostat Smart Phone against phishing.
  2. “Hold” a call in case of problems with the mobile Internet. The call will not be disconnected if the connection is lost but restored within 10 seconds. Thus, you can continue the conversation with the person you are talking to without calling them back.
  3. New design for displaying employee status. Ringostat Smart Phone users can change their status: Online, Offline (DnD — “do not disturb”), Offline for 1 hour or Offline all day. These statuses are visible in the app’s menu and can also be seen by colleagues when they want to transfer a customer call to you, for example. From now on, the Online and Offline statuses will be more visually distinct. The avatar has a colored frame and a plate with an inscription, as shown in the screenshot below.
  4. Improved application performance in the background on Android. This update allows you not to lose a call when the app goes into the background — for example, when the screen is locked, the app is minimized, etc. To help you remember that the call is still in progress, a system notification will be displayed on the screen while the microphone remains active. The notification will be displayed for the duration of the call and remain in the curtain (quick notification panel) while the call is in progress.
  5. A new section is in the Android application settings. It’s called the Permissions Center, which shows the statuses of the permissions needed for the app to work and enable them quickly. For example, it could be needed to send notifications, ignore battery optimization mode, etc. This will be useful for new users when they launch an app for the first time to understand why it requires certain permissions. If some permissions are missing, you can request them again by clicking the corresponding button.
  6. A mechanism for maintaining a stable connection when changing networks. The call is not interrupted when your smartphone switches between Wi-Fi and a mobile network or vice versa.
Ringostat Smart Phone update
Displaying user statuses in the Ringostat Smart Phone menu

⚡️ Try the Ringostat cross-platform app for calls and CRM

Calls, messages, and information about customers in one app on your smartphone and desktop

Ringostat telephony now supports IPv6

IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) is a new Internet data transmission standard that replaces the old IPv4 protocol. Simply put, it is a new addressing system for all devices connected to the network.

When you make a call using IP telephony, you use a unique identifier — an IP address. And IPv6 provides a much larger number of such identifiers, making communication more reliable and faster. This can be compared to a telephone exchange that has more lines. 

Some mobile operators provide an IPv6 address for the mobile Internet. And thanks to an update, Ringostat Smart Phone can now work with IPv6. Although users may not immediately notice significant changes, IPv6 is the foundation for the future of the Internet. And by using Ringostat virtual telephony, you can seamlessly transition to the new standard right now.

New parameters to pass to Creatio

Ringostat has 30+ integrations with popular services, and among them is a connection with Creatio. This comprehensive SaaS platform combines business process management and customer relationship management systems. The integration helps automate and speed up the sales department’s work and simplify its control.

One of the functions of this connection is to transfer call data from Ringostat to Creatio. On the one hand, this saves the employee’s time because he or she doesn’t have to record calls manually. On the other hand, it eliminates errors because all data and contacts are transferred automatically.

From now on, when you create a Call entity, additional parameters are passed to Creatio:

  • the duration of the conversation; 
  • the time it takes to get a response from the employee;
  • audio recording of the conversation.

This way, the manager can better understand how communication with the client occurred during a particular deal. For example, if the deal was lost, you can listen to the conversation recording and conclude whether the employee is to blame. Or, if the client was negative, to understand whether the long wait time for a response had anything to do with it.

The ability of a specific employee to receive SMS 

This update also applies to Ringostat Smart Phone, but let’s discuss it more. Our app allows you to combine as many communication channels as possible in one interface. And SMS messaging is no exception. Previously, you could only send such messages from the app. Now, you can choose which team members will receive responses. For example, this feature will be useful for processing responses to a mass SMS campaign about a sale.

To customize how you receive responses:

  • go to General settings Employees and select the desired team member;
  • in the settings, scroll to the “Phone Numbers for Receiving SMS in Ringostat Smart Phone from Clients” block;
  • click “Add contact”;
  • select the phone number available for the project from the drop-down list to which the employee will receive responses.
Ringostat update, receiving sms

You can select only free numbers to receive SMS, i.e., those that other employees do not yet use. If you don’t have a number to receive SMS, just write to us, and we’ll help you connect it as soon as possible.

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About author

Editor of the Ringostat blog. Author of articles for the media about digital and big portals about business. Studied journalism at the Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov.